Stain Removal / Stains

Holiday Stain Removal Myths

November 26, 2019

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We at have found some bad advice about stain removal in print and on-line. Here is our guide to holiday stain removal including myths which could cause damage to your garments.

  • White wine removes red wine or cranberry stains. Jeeves has tested this stain removal advice and it does not work. For red wine or cranberry stains, blot the area with a clean absorbent towel. If the item can be washed, treat the red wine with a solution of a few drops of dish detergent and 1/4 cup white vinegar. Let this solution sit on the stain for 10 minutes and wash. If the stain was not removed, treat the area with hydrogen peroxide (in the first aid section of your pharmacy) and wash again. For dry clean only garments, just blot the stain and send to Jeeves.
  • Use a dull knife to remove a wax stain. This may work, but we have seen a client use this method and while removing the wax stains, he also created a hole doing so. Goo Gone is great from removing wax on washable items; otherwise dry cleaning will take care of the issue without damage.
  • Treat blood stains with water and salt. Salt has no magic properties to absorb blood stains. Blood from carving mishaps, political disagreements or a rare prime rib can be removed using hydrogen peroxide. On brightly colored fabrics or dry clean only items, test in a inconspicuous area first. Hydrogen peroxide is a mild antiseptic and useful for treating physical wounds, not psychological wounds.

If you have holiday stains and need professional advice, consult with a great dry cleaner, such as Jeeves New York. (https://www NULL.jeevesny

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Jerry Pozniak

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